For decades Alberta has attracted people from across Canada and the world to live and work here. Our resource sector and a welcoming, “can-do” attitude has made it the right place to find the right job.
At Vanderwell, we’re always looking for people to join us and take on good, quality positions. A look at Indeed, the world’s top job site, and you’ll find a variety of company positions listed: Health and Safety Coordinator, Equipment Operator, Millwright, General Production Workers and Quality Control Coordinators.
Vanderwell offers many different work opportunities. Right now we are in the midst of our summer maintenance shutdown, one of two held every year. During this time, production stops and we inspect and work on equipment, machinery and other areas of our operation, ensuring everything continues to run safely and reliably.

These are major undertakings that take a lot of planning and the skills and expertise of employees who have deep knowledge of our site as well as outside contractors who possess unique skill sets specifically required for the shutdown. Many other heavy industry, resource-driven businesses like Vanderwell, mostly located in central and northern Alberta, do similar maintenance shutdowns.
During the current shutdown, among employees, we have maintenance managers and lead hands, shift supervisors, millwrights, welders, machinists, and electricians. Contractors in various disciplines are utilized or brought in to supplement employees where required. Fire-watch staff look for potentially smouldering fires caused by welding or acetylene use.

For example, one activity is the inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT) of all cranes, hoists, lifting and support devices throughout the plant site. Before the shutdown, personel from Kova Engineering were onsite inspecting and testing our equipment, including the portal crane. They look for cracks and other early signs of potential failure points on equipment and develop a repair list of all required welding and other structural repairs to be done during shutdown. The outcome is all equipment remains safe and operable for the following year.

Vanderwell has been operating in the Slave Lake region for 80 years and while many factors have gone into our success, one thing stands out — and that is anticipating the future, whether it’s changing market demands, or utilizing new technology and processes that increase our competitive position. Part of that look forward also requires developing our workforce to take on those opportunities and changes.
As long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns become more frequent, new business ventures and innovation technology hubs are developing in our province. This is not a surprise when you consider all the energy expertise that’s contained in Alberta.

At Vanderwell, we’re exploring different technologies and doing our part.
Right now, we’re looking at the economic feasibility of providing biomass to a project project with Calgary-based Expander Energy. The project and plant would be a first in Canada and initially produce over 6.5 million litres per year of low-carbon intensity, clean-burning synthetic diesel fuel made from sawmill and forestry waste. The project is projected to reduce our need to buy electrical power and to annually reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 14,642 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Anyone looking for high-value employment opportunities can find it right here in Alberta. Check out the Vanderwell job listings on the Indeed site and contact us.
We’re waiting to hear from you!